For years, I had been thinking of expanding OHOT’s audience size. So many friends and trippers keep telling me that they want their moms and dads to travel with us. Having seen how much my parents enjoy travelling with me, I always felt an emotional angle here and thought we should start trips for people in their fifties and sixties.

And there is another thing I am personally very interested in. I strongly believe that if kids/teenagers start travelling at a young age, their personalities can blossom so much. I wish when I was 16 years old, I had exposure to the world of travel. I love the thought of teenagers roughing it out a bit, being in the midst of nature. It’s so important that they grow up being sensitive to people, to different religions, to animals.

It’s so important that they aren’t just living in their phones and on Netflix. Kids must learn to swim, to dive, to ski, to camp, to sleep on a mountain under the stars. Travel can educate so much – it teaches you team work, leadership, quick decision making and a lot of other things.

And it’s for these very reasons, that we are now starting trips for seniors as well as teenagers.

1. A trip to Bhutan for people between the ages of 47-65. May 28 – June 4.
2. The Tarsar Marsar trek in Kashmir for youngsters between the ages of 14-23. June 24 – July 1.

Help us spread the word. Send your kids or if you know others who would be interested, let them know.