#biggest travel year
They say with age, and as you travel more, you slow down.
In 2024, I did 6 out of 7 continents in six months. I went to 13 new countries, repeated 8 more – That’s 21 in a year. Between Nov and Dec, I crossed both the Antarctic Circle as well as the Arctic (the bottom and top of the world).
I drove to Danakil Depression – the world’s hottest region, and also jumped in sub zero temperatures to do the polar plunge in Antarctica. I saw the northern lights in Russia, & climbed an active volcano to see lava flow in Ethiopia. I swam in canyons in Oman and dived in Cenotes in Mexico.
I trekked 34 kms in a day in Argentina, & skiied in an avalanche prone region in Kashmir. I snorkelled with seals in Chile, walked with lions in Ukutula, and saw Komodo dragons in Indonesia. I felt elated looking at sloths, toucans, meerkats, manatees, harpy eagles. In Iceland, I took a road detour and drove 3 extra hours to see puffins in the wild.
This year, I have been outside India more than in. But it’s not just about the adventures, nor the count.
Everywhere I found wonderful people. People were scared to go to Russia. I found very kind people there. They give travel warnings for Mexico and Colombia. What I saw was dozens of locals happily dancing every night on the streets, and inviting us also.
This year at least 50 people would have shared their lives, their secrets, their despairs, their tears with me. We have danced, we back slapped each other laughing, we have poured our hearts, and we have hugged like never before. I must have hugged at least 300 people this year.
What is travel, if we don’t surrender our hearts to people and places. As the song goes, “Maybe we are all lost stars, trying to light up the dark”.
They say with age, and as you travel more, you slow down. Them kids.