In the summer of 2013, Neeraj Narayanan quit his corporate job to travel the world. After a year of wanderings and adventures, buoyed by a loyal audience that followed his stories around the world, he started leading group trips under the banner “This Guy’s On His Own Trip”. This, the brand’s Facebook page name, seemed too long, so the brand name was shortened to
On His Own Trip or OHOT.
Along the journey, Neeraj became Captain Nero, happy trips were led, a thousand friends were made, a few of whom became a part of the brand as trip leaders.
Our trips are about a lot more than just seeing a place. There is a strong emphasis on bonding. Even though the trips are professionally organized, the ambience we create resembles a group of friends travelling together. Many hotel managers, agents are non plussed when they see our groups and can’t believe they are a bunch of strangers who just met two three days back on the trip. We are used to Bollywood-esque airport scenes with trippers getting emotional, not wanting to go back, tickets being rescheduled and in some cases trips being extended